Our Pest Control Blog

Have you ever wondered why certain pests behave the way they do, thought about how they’re getting inside, or wanted to know a few DIY tricks to get rid of them? If so, read on and get your questions answered

Family outside
How to Prevent a Carpenter Bee Infestation

Carpenter bees look similar to bumblebees. It can be hard to tell the two apart, but only one of these can cause damage to your home. Bumblebees have a hairy abdomen and are more yellow than carpenter bees, which have shiny black abdomens. Both of these bees, however, are pollinators.

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Why Do I Have Carpenter Ants?

As homeowners, we know a thing or two about ants invading our properties. And by properties, we mean our yards, outdoor decks, basements, bathrooms, picnics, pool parties, and pretty much anywhere else we don’t want ants to be.

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family in kitchen
Property Owners' Guide To Boxelder Bug Control

Boxelder bugs are aptly named based on their attraction to boxelder trees, found in various parts of the U.S. and Canada. Often mistaken for stink bugs, these pests have a flat body measuring roughly ½ inch long and appear black with distinctive red or orange markings.

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What are Some Occasional Invaders?

As their name suggests, occasional invaders are types of insects that “occasionally” enter into homes and other structures throughout the year. These insects do not prefer to live indoors full-time. These insects usually enter into homes in groups when the weather outside becomes too extreme for them to live comfortably.

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house with termites
How to Handle Fleas & Ticks in Texas

Fleas and ticks are external parasitic pests that feed on the blood of both people and animals. Both species can invade properties, where they become a nuisance, a danger, and are difficult to eliminate. The cat flea is the most common species of flea found in our area of Southeast Texas. The American dog tick and black-legged deer tick are the two most common species of ticks.

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family in bed
Common Ants in Texas

Ants are common pests that can be found living in and around homes. They are quite social and live together in large colonies. Ants can be identified by their three distinct body regions: their head, thorax, and abdomen. The reproductive members of an ant colony are the only members with wings. When a colony is mature, the reproductive ants emerge to find mates and create a new colony.

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