Our Pest Control Blog

Have you ever wondered why certain pests behave the way they do, thought about how they’re getting inside, or wanted to know a few DIY tricks to get rid of them? If so, read on and get your questions answered

Family in Yard
How Dangerous Is A Scorpion Sting In Beaumont?

Scorpions are arachnids. They belong to the same family as spiders. Unlike spiders, however, scorpions sport a pair of large pincers and a long tail with a venomous stinger on the tip. A scorpion’s exoskeleton is made of chitin, which is a flexible, tough, and protective exterior defense. Scorpions come in many different colors, such as yellow, tan, black, blue, and green. Although scorpions are found in many different types of habitats, most species prefer desert or semi-arid environments. These venomous pests can be found hiding under rocks, logs, stumps, and other clutter.

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Termite Treatment
Watch Out For Swarming Termites Around Southeast Texas Homes

Pretty much everyone knows about termites. Some people have heard stories about them. Others have personally dealt with them. Maybe in your case, you watched a 3-hour documentary about termites. We don’t know. What we do know is that no one wants termites near their home. Unfortunately, keeping termites out becomes a little bit harder around this time of the year. Why? you may ask. You may not like it, but the truth is that many of them are taking to the air.

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family in living room
What You Can Do To Keep Flies Out Of Your Kitchen

Shoo, fly, don’t bother me! This expression gets frequent use during the summer months in Texas. With extra warmth and plenty of moisture in the air, flies love Texas summers, and they are more than happy to get comfortable in your kitchen - as well as the rest of your house. Most people agree that house flies can be incredibly annoying. They’re distracting, noisy, and gross. They also can be dangerous and shouldn’t be ignored.

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Family outside
Wasps And Hornets Remain Very Active Throughout The Summer Months

In spring and early summer, pests were busy reproducing, finding shelter, and invading properties. Stinging insects, such as wasps and hornets, were among those pests. Here in southern Texas, these pests can still cause problems in late summer and early fall, if not year-round. In other parts of the United States, wasps and hornets become less active the closer it gets to fall. However, here in Texas, many of these problematic pests continue to infest properties and get in the way of outdoor activities. With the prospect of year-round stinging insect problems, it’s a good idea to know exactly what you’re up against.

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kid in lawn
Preventing Bees And Wasps Around The Pool This Summer

There are many games you can play in your pool. You can play Marco Polo, where a person with their eyes closed must only use the word Marco to find their friends to tag them. If you have a circular pool, you can play Whirlpool where you run around in circles until a vortex is created that acts as a current to pull you around. There is even a game you can play if bees or hornets are around, it's called Splash and Dive. Of course, this is not as much of a family favorite. If you're having trouble with stinging insects bothering you while you're spending time outside or in the pool, we have some prevention steps you will want to know about!

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The Brown-Banded Cockroach: How To Get Rid Of Something That Could Survive Almost Anything

Brown-banded cockroaches are one of the most common types. You probably already know that cockroaches are resilient pests. Brown-banded roaches can be among the toughest to exterminate. The cockroaches, named for a brown band on their abdomen, can survive extreme temperatures. While other bugs may die out during the winter, brown-banded cockroaches can survive cold weather, as well as hot weather, making them a pest to watch out for all year.

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Why Wasps, Hornets, And Yellow Jackets Swarm Around Certain Homes And Yards

They say that everything happens for a reason, so it is only natural to assume there is a reasonable explanation for why wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets are swarming around specific properties at this time of year. Is this something you have wondered about? If so, we are here to answer this question today to help you determine whether or not your Texas property is at risk of a stinger infestation.

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How The Common House Mouse Can Cause Texas-Sized Problems

Mice are tiny quiet creatures, can they cause that many problems? We'll answer some common questions that often come up regarding mice invasions. How much do you know about these little rodents and the issues they can cause? Mice are a common pest problem in Texas, but they're also a more serious problem than you might imagine. Let's get into it.

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