Watch Out For Swarming Termites Around Southeast Texas Homes

Pretty much everyone knows about termites. Some people have heard stories about them. Others have personally dealt with them. Maybe in your case, you watched a 3-hour documentary about termites. We don’t know. What we do know is that no one wants termites near their home. Unfortunately, keeping termites out becomes a little bit harder around this time of the year. Why? you may ask. You may not like it, but the truth is that many of them are taking to the air.
What Are Termite Swarmers
Before we go any further, we know what you may be thinking. Aren’t termites a pest that lives underground? For most species this is true. However, once or twice a year here in Texas, from the months of February to May, subterranean termite colonies that are fully mature send out flying scouts to search for new places to call home. These termites are known as swarmers.
If one of your neighbors has a fully mature termite colony on their property, you may start seeing these swarmers buzzing about outside, inspecting your home as their potential next meal. Even worse than seeing termite swarmers outside of your home is seeing swarmers inside your home as this is a clear indication that you have a termite colony nearby, one that is probably already actively eating away at your home.
Whether you are seeing termite swarmers inside your home, outside your home, or not seeing them at all, your home is in need of protection. Keep in mind that when termites aren’t swarming they are usually underground tunneling and looking for a new source of food (wood). If at any point of the year they find this in your home, it could be at serious risk.
Why Call For An Inspection and Treatment ASAP If You See Swarmers
If you are seeing termite swarmers around your home, it is time to call in the Bugsperts. We have the tools needed to identify any potential termite threats in and around your home. If termites have an existing colony and are eating away at your home already, we will know. If swarmers are looking to set up a new colony, we will know. No matter what termites are doing, we will know. Then, after we have assessed your property, you can help us decide on what you would like to have done next. For more information about termites, or to talk to one of our representatives about our termite treatment options, give us a call today! The Bugsperts are standing by and ready to assist.