How To Keep Flea Problems To A Minimum

Family in Yard

With everything in life, there is always the potential for something to go wrong. Of course, we still hope for the best and take precautions to keep our chances low; it's why we have things like seat belts, lightning rods, and the FDA. In this article, we will be talking about some steps you can take to keep your pets and your home flea-free.

When is flea season?

Across most of the United States, fleas are mainly a summer pest due to their body's inability to function correctly in colder temperatures. Unfortunately, here in Texas where it’s warm all year, fleas are more than just a summer problem; the question is, do you know how to keep these tiny pests at bay?

Signs of a flea infestation

It’s important to know what to watch for when it comes to fleas. You may see the fleas themselves, but you’re more likely to see the effects they cause. Fleas are incredibly small pests that feed on blood from animals and humans. If you have fleas in your home, you’ll probably begin to see itchy bites. These bites can continue to itch for days, and some people or animals may have an allergic reaction to them. If you have pets, they’ll react to fleas by scratching and biting at their skin, or showing other signs of irritation. If you notice unusual behavior from your pets or begin to see bites on your own skin, it’s time to call for professional pest control.

Are fleas dangerous?

Fleas aren’t typically dangerous to humans in the United States, but flea bites can cause irritation or rashes, and in some cases, the bites could lead to infection. This goes for your furry friends, too. Fleas are more likely to bite animals, and this can cause severe discomfort for your dog or cat. Fleas have also been known to exacerbate respiratory problems such as asthma and allergies and they are known vectors for some diseases such as the plague.

How do fleas get inside Texas homes?

You don’t need to have a dirty home to get fleas. Fleas are a common pest, and in Texas, they can survive year-round. They may get inside because your pets or wild animals may carry them into your yard. Fleas may also be carried inside by hitching a ride on rodents. As the weather cools and rodents look for warm places to wait out the winter, they may be carrying in fleas. Once inside, fleas hide in fabrics, furniture, and bedding. They’ll feed on you, your family, and your pets, and they multiply quickly!

How to prevent fleas around your yard 

Our experts have some suggestions that will help you avoid a flea problem:

  • Keep the grass, weeds, and other vegetation in the yard trimmed. 
  • Remove bird feeders, birdbaths, fallen fruit, and other items likely to attract wildlife to the yard area.
  • Pets must be under the care of a veterinarian’s preventative treatment plan. 
  • Regularly wash pet beds and vacuum carpeting, and upholstered furniture, which might contain eggs. 
  • Always treat pre-owned furniture or rugs before bringing them indoors.

How to prevent fleas when you have a pet

As you may know, fleas are a pain to deal with - primarily after they’ve managed to invade your home. Here are some prevention tips to keep your home, and your pets, flea-free.

  • Keep your pets well groomed, especially if they have long hair/fur, and use a flea shampoo. Doing this will reduce your pet’s chances of bringing home fleas.
  • Before you go inside after walks with your pets, check their fur thoroughly for fleas using a brush, and a small amount of vigilance.
  • Keep your home clutter-free, making it easier to spot fleas if they do manage to sneak inside.
  • Make sure your grass is cut short. Long grass is a breeding ground for unwanted fleas.
  • Keep an eye out for skin irritations on your pets, as this could be a sign of a flea infestation.
  • Talk to your vet about other preventative measures, such as flea collars. They will be able to recommend the best options to keep your furry friend flea-free.

Do all-natural remedies really work on fleas?

You may see hundreds of tips for flea prevention or elimination. Some of these are practical tips that you should always keep in mind, such as trimming your grass and keeping your yard and home clean. Other home remedies are less effective. 

  • Rubbing baking soda into the carpet before vacuuming may help, but it’s likely to take up a lot of time with only limited results. 
  • Laying cedar chips in the yard or creating a spray made of vinegar and lemon juice will probably not eradicate every flea. 

While these remedies may decrease the numbers, they won’t eliminate fleas in all stages of development. Often do-it-yourself flea elimination is a waste of time and money.

Why call Bill Clark Bugsperts if you find fleas in your home 

If you have never had to deal with fleas in your home or on your pets before, we hope you never do. However, if these tiny bloodsucking annoyances find a way past your defenses, the Bugsperts are here to help! Our quality treatments work fast to remove fleas from homes, and we would be happy to share our success with you. Give us a call, and we will take care of the rest!

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